Pneumatic Valves
EA6 series

@@@@@@@@@@@@yHow to orderz@¦Special orders are acceptable. Consult us about specific applications.


‡@Actuation Mode ‡BEnd Connention
2  NC (Normally closed) F  Flowell 20 Series
6  NO (Normally open) R  Flowell 20 Series
‡ATube Size to connect


25A  25mm~22mm 0  ON/OFF
8B  1"~7/8" 1  Flow-control
2  Water-saving

Flow-rate control and water-saving

 ‡DDirection of operation port


                                 @@ySpecificationsz@¦All specifications are for reference only.

@@@@@@@@                                ¦It changes by a condition of the use (ex, fluid, plumbing, fitting )

@ 25A 8B
 Fluid Chemicals and DI Water
Fluid temperature renge  10`100Ž
 Pressure 1.0MPaiWater pressurej
 Fluid pressure(spring return)  ‚`¨‚a 0`0.3MPa
 Fluid pressure(spring return)  ‚a¨‚` 0`0.1MPa
 Fluid pressure(Double action)  ‚`¨‚a 0`0.5MPa
 Fluid pressure(Double action)  ‚a¨‚` 0`0.5MPa
 Leak 0cm3/min (Water pressure)
 Orifice ƒΣ20
 ‚b‚– 8
 Operating system Spring return actuation and Double action type
 Pneumatic supply pressure 0.3`0.5MPa
  Atmospheric temperature 0`60Ž
 Materials of wetted parts DiaphragmFPTFE   BodyFPTFE
 Export Trade Control Order pertience